Let’s fill ourselves and our surroundings with the light

One morning, my wife made French toast for breakfast. It wasn’t sweet and tasted weird and a little too salty.
When I finished eating one slice of toast, she told me that she had put salt instead of sugar.
No wonder I had to drink a lot of water and go to the bathroom very frequently on that day.
I wondered why she mistook salt for sugar and found out the cause of assumption. The salt is unique and actually looks like sugar. It was sent from her father a long time ago and we forgot about it.
I am grateful that my father-in-law always sends us various things but I thought that I didn’t thank enough for this salt and regretted it.

By the way, human beings have Ki energy, invisible life energy.
Any person has this energy which is sometimes called aura and I explain this Ki as the invisible light.
There are no human beings without Ki. Anybody who is alive emits the light and there are people(not only people but everything around us) receiving this light.
People’s minds are always changing but our positive and bright minds such as gratitude towards people around can emit stronger light, positive Ki. If we can be moreconscious of the people and the objects, the light can easily reach them. I hope everybody could send a lot of positive Ki to surroundings.

Shinkiko, Ki energy in this space is also positive Ki.
So far, while I have been using Shinkiko, I realized that human being’s Ki, life energy is heightened by Shinkiko. When human beings and animals die, our bodies will vanish but our souls, Ki will remain in this world and Shinkiko can penetrate into them as well.
The energy of Shinkiko is inexhaustible in this space(universe), we need Ki transfer machines or Ki goods which the late chairman learnt how to make in his dream to take it out.
I have been improving and developing more powerful machines and I have been able to take out the stronger Shinkiko energy.

Therefore, I hope that we all can fill ourselves with the light by receiving the support from the positive Ki and emitting the positive Ki to our surroundings connected to us by a mysterious fate using Shinkiko.