Prepare to welcome the new year with Shinkiko in December

This is the last week of November, and next week will be the last month of 2023. Although it was December when my father as a founder passed away, we know from experience that the energy of Shinkiko can be received powerfully when members gather together, so we use this time to hold a gathering of Shinkiko members every year. It is being held. Furthermore, since this is a special time, since last year we have been holding an online mini-training seminar for three days in the first week, and then combining it with a gathering of members for three weeks, giving us an opportunity to recharge for the coming year.

As the year changes, the environment surrounding us tends to change. For everyone who wants to make it a good year, we plan to give advice on how to make the most of this time of year in the online mini-training seminar we will be holding next weekend, but even if you are unable to attend, please be aware of the following: I would like you to work on this.

1. Make sure to receive Shinkiko from the universe.For example, while using Hi-genki and Ki products, it is a good idea to listen to the sound, sit or lie down, breathe deeply, and visualize the light of Shinkiko, from the universe flowing into your body. Many people have upgraded their high-genki, so the permeability of Ki into their bodies has increased dramatically. By consciously looking at the negative aspects that are affecting your body and mind, you will find it easier to change for the better.

2. Look back on the year and do some self-reflection.Reflect on your actions this year and the degree to which you achieved your goals, and then set goals for next year. For example, try to summarize the topics that you found good about this year, write down in your notebook if there are any points you need to reflect on, and clarify your goals for next year.

3. Interaction with other members brings new awareness. Online mini-training seminar and member gatherings are great opportunities to deepen your connections with people who tap into the same Ki. The connections you make at Shinkiko can be said to be a special relationship where you can learn from each other, so by actively participating in exchanges at the center and sharing online, you will gain new perspectives.

4. Have a positive mindset as you enter the new year. This will keep negative energy away, make it easier to receive positive energy, and pave the way for success in the new year. For example, by reading aloud the “Words of Vow(Pledges)” from the textbook of the retreat seminar, your gratitude will bring a positive feeling to your day.In order for next year to be a wonderful year for everyone, we need to use Ki to prepare our minds and bodies, but we cannot immediately change the effects of negative Ki, so it is time to start preparing.

Increase your spirituality through our retreat seminar

The other day, I had a question, “What does it mean to increase your spirituality?”  I explained that “Human beings are made up of three interconnected elements: Ki, mind and body.”  If I explain from this point on, the spiritual spirit is the part that is also called the soul, and it would be best to think of it as the part of the spirit and mind.

By pursuing your Ki energy can be increased by your own inner growth and deep self-understanding.

This goes beyond material wealth and external success to peace of mind, inner fulfillment, and a deep understanding of the universe and life.

We can take in Ki energy from the outside with light of Shinkiko, but if our mind is negative, the effect will be halved.

Furthermore, if you are alive, your body is also involved, and if you are doing bad things to your body, you will not have the time to look inward and your Ki will not increase. 

Therefore, in order for us as living beings to increase our spirituality, it is important to increase it from three aspects: physical, mental, and replenishing energy from the outside.

Everyone seems to notice that they have changed after the retreat seminar, but I also say, “The retreat seminar is a special environment, so the real work begins after you go home. “This is because, in addition to the Ki of your family, including pets, or the Ki of the house itself, there are many Ki relationships that affect you in your living environment, such as Ki from outside such as friends and work relations. 

By the way, let’s briefly summarize the important points from the content of the retreat seminar from the perspective of increasing spirituality.

The first step is to use the “Senshin”(Mind Purification) index to understand your own emotional, thought, and behavioral patterns and recognize how they impact your life and others.  This reduces the influence of negative energy.

Second, spend more time receiving Shinkiko and quiet time to calm your mind and listen to your inner voice.

Thirdly, by looking for the good points and being grateful for the small things in each day, the support of positive energy brings peace and contentment to the mind, leading to a higher state of consciousness.

Fourth, by sending Ki to others, including our ancestors, we can transcend our self-centered thinking and gain a broader perspective and deeper understanding of humanity.

Finally, at the end of the day, reflect on your actions and thoughts that day, make a promise for tomorrow, and think about your personal growth.

Developing spirituality is not something that can be achieved overnight.  At the beginning of next month, we will be holding an online mini retreat seminar.  By participating not only from the center, but also from your home, you will be able to improve the Ki environment around you, so please join us.

If you are not happy, the people around you will not be happy

Even though my new family member, my son, is slowing down my pace, I am discovering new things every day.   Last night, my wife said, “He is full of breast milk and formula, so it’s okay.  I’m going to go shopping for a bit” and she went out.

However, as soon as the door was closed, my son started crying, and I tried playing all kinds of music and spinning him around using toys, but he didn’t stop crying.

After a while, I got tired.  “Here’s the only music that can overcome the cries!”  One of the albums I used to listened to a lot was “ Hell Freezes Over” by the rock band “Eagles.”  It was annoying to those around me, but I turned it on a little louder and listened.  My son immediately stopped crying, and I thought he was surprised, but by the middle of the second song, he started falling asleep.  After that, I continued to cuddle and enjoy music.

I wonder if he could feel my feeling that “if he cries, he will get into trouble.”  I always say to our members, but I was tired from the day and had no time to spare, and this incident seemed to show through.  This kind of things can be felt in everyday life.  I interact with people are working here and there, and I can feel the positive energy from people who is working comfortably, which makes me, the customer, happy and satisfied as well.

In Japan, where many things are replaced by robots and machines, it is unavoidable in Japan, where there is a lack of manpower.  These days, even when you go to a restaurant, robots are serving the food, so friendly communications my be decreasing.

By the way, are you doing something to entertain yourself?  In addition to eating healthy and getting enough exercise, you also need to make time for things like listening to your favorite music or entertaining yourself with your hobbies on a regular basis.  It is good for you to have time with your friends and family, you may feel happiness through this.  In our monthly retreat seminar, we have very important program called “Iitoko-sagashi”(finding good positive things) every day.  To find good positive things and you try to find small happiness in each day, you will have more things to be grateful for, which will lead you to fun. And then you will be supported by many positive energies.