Let’s tune in to the positive Ki by looking for good points

The Shinkiko energy taken out through High Genki and other Ki goods is the positive Ki in the universe. There is not only negative Ki but also positive Ki around us and this positive Ki is always assisting us.
When only bad things happen to us, we tend to forget the existence of positive Ki assisting us.

‘Iitoko sagashi’ in Japanese is trying to ‘look for the good points.’
As the proverb says, ‘Fortune comes in by a merry gate.’
When we can be happy with something, the positive Ki is emitted from us and the positive Ki around us will gather by the tuning effect of vibrating energy.
Furthermore, the assistance of positive Ki from our ancestors may bring the good things to us. If we can notice and appreciate it, we will be able to receive their assistance more easily.
To put it the other way around, if we cannot notice their assistance by positive Ki, the influence of negative Ki will become stronger and we will not be able to receive the assistance as we wish.
Therefore, we have been explaining the importance of ‘looking for good points’ together with receiving Shinkiko from the universe at the Shinkiko Retreat Seminar since the late chairman’s time.

The late chairman used to say that everything happens for a reason.
When seemingly bad thing happens to us, we can still learn or get awareness from that event. If we can do so, we can start looking for good points.
The negative Ki may create bad things but the positive Ki may control over from the higher place to good directions.
There are various kinds of negative and positive Ki, from weak to strong in this vast universe.
I believe that the positive Ki is superior to the negative Ki after all.

The negative Ki can keep changing to positive if we take in Shinkiko continuously.
Then, a lot of positive Ki will assist us. I hope that everyone will be more conscious of it.