Improving Relationships with People Who “Look Down on You”

 Today, the Shinkiko Retreatment Seminar in Hokkaido started.

Various people participate in the Shinkiko Retreatment Seminar to use the energy of Shinkiko to enhance their Ki and to change their lives.

The reasons for participating vary from physical illnesses, mental problems, and improving relationships.

Today, I would like to focus on human relationships and explain about relationships with “people who look down on you” which is a commonly asked question.

   Since I am also in a position where I tend to “look down”, I need to be careful. People often say that they are offended by the words and attitudes of such people.

This too can be improved by applying the Ki perspective and using Shinkiko to improve the relationship.

 1【Understanding your own feelings】No matter how much blame is placed on the other person, from the Ki perspective, it is important to first take a closer look at your own side.

You must deeply explore your own feelings about why you feel uncomfortable with the person’s words and actions.

It may be due to your pride or past experiences.

By understanding your own feelings, you can respond calmly and also realize that the feelings may be the result of negative Ki that you are attracting, so be aware of that while receiving Shinkiko.

   2【Know the background of the other person】By knowing the reasons why the person has such an attitude, such as past experiences and upbringing, you can understand without becoming emotional.

Furthermore, since you can become aware of the negative Ki that is involved, it will be easier for the Shinkiko energy to reach the person, and the person will be able to change.

   3【Learn to communicate】If you feel uncomfortable, it is important to tell the other person at the right time.

Aggressive words attract negative Ki, so it is important to be as honest as possible about your feelings and thoughts, and through this, your own learning will deepen.

   4【Searching for good points】There are always good points and strengths in a person. By finding and appreciating them, in other words, “looking for the good in them,” you can improve your relationship through the support of positive Ki.

   5【Maintaining Distance】If the relationship does not improve no matter how hard you try, it may be necessary to maintain the necessary distance in order to maintain your own peace of mind.

It also takes time for the energy of Shinkiko to penetrate the negative Ki involved, so keep your distance from those with whom you have an unbreakable connection, and receive and send Ki slowly and patiently.

Even if you find it difficult to relate to people who “look down on you”,  this will change in time.

The important thing is to value yourself and respect the other person, which is the first step in true communication. This can be enhanced by using Shinkiko, and therefore is recommended.