To overcome the strong negative Ki

This month is a ‘Ki reinforcement month’ in which we can receive a lot of Ki.
It is better if we can use Ki items (1)consciously, (2)continuously, and (3)aiming to add up Ki.
(1)By focusing on Ki items, it will become easier to take in Shinkiko energy. If we can also pay attention to negative Ki, Shinkiko energy taken in can easily reach it.
(2)Use portable Ki items and Heads which can be used all the time so that we can take in Shinkiko energy with no interruption.
(3)It is known that Shinkiko can be more effective by using Ki items together. Try to be creative to use various items at the same time. Don’t forget to use the items purchased in the past.

It is important to take in Shinkiko energy efficiently from outside, but it is also important to emit positive Ki from inside and try to get more assistance from positive Ki and avoid negative Ki.

For example, after we determine to do something and take action, we sometimes lose our motivation.
I think the strength to overcome negative Ki is like the strength of willow which can ride out typhoon comfortably. It is OK to have a break if we don’t give up. Because the battle with the stronger negative Ki will be the longer one.

Of course, it is necessary for us to try as hard as we can at one point but it won’t last because we will be worn out by stress. We can go on by utilizing positive Ki energy which can be collected by doing fun, favorite and happy things and having positive minds.
When we get influenced by strong negative Ki, the people around normally wouldn’t acknowledge or praise us.
We have to find what we are good at and praise ourselves.
It seems like our own self satisfaction but it is the best way to confront strong negative Ki.
I hope we all can find the things we can do well and ‘look for good points’ steadily.