Even if you’re tired, just do it!

When I’m tired but still have something to do, I (funny enough) try to stay away from our couch. When I sit on the couch, it’s as if time has stopped and I can’t move, and then I don’t want to do anything.

Medically speaking, this can be said to be a natural reaction in which the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant and the mind and body enter a rest mode. However, in the back of my mind, I still have thoughts like “I have to do this” and “I want to finish this,” so I can’t simply leave it to my body’s desires. Because of the negative energy effects that I always talk about, when there is something that needs to be done, the key to truly recovering from fatigue is to take the plunge and get it done first. From a Ki perspective, it is recommended that you get into the habit of finishing what you need to do and then taking a rest.

Invisible “negative energy” exists around us, and whenever it sees an opportunity, it tries to hinder our actions. Especially when you feel “tired,” you are already under the influence of negative energy. The reason why we can’t take in action even when we want to do something can be thought of as the work of this negative energy. At times like this, by resisting negative energy and acting with strong will, we can bounce back from its influence and increase our “ki energy.” In other words, action is power. Therefore, if you postpone taking in action, you are giving more and more opportunities for negative energy to take advantage of you. By starting with what you can and taking in action little by little, you will be able to keep away negative energy and make it easier to receive support from positive energy. Furthermore, the energy of Shinkiko reduces the influence of negative Ki, so it is important to receive Ki on a regular basis.

Large plate B5 type released instead of thin large plate

We have YouTube live with Mr. and Mrs. Oharada every Thursday from 7:30pm, and yesterday we talked about our ancestors. Shinkiko is energy from the universe and has the property of increasing the energy of our soul. Through this, our bodies, consciousness, and minds naturally change for the better. As you deepen your knowledge of this true light, you will also become more aware of your ancestors.

This is because Ki energy exists not only in people living with physical bodies, but also in our ancestors who have lost their bodies, and when the energy of Shinkiko permeates there, the consciousness of the ancestors changes, the things they are able to do increase, and the things that happen around us change for the better.

I recommend two ways to send Ki to someone who has already passed away: 1) imagine the person you want to send Ki to while receiving Ki, and 2) use the energy gathered in Ki goods, such as high-end equipment or plates.

Up until now, many people have used Ki goods such as the Shinkiko large plate and thin large plate, which have the SAS triple mark etched into a stainless steel plate. When I engrave the name of the person to whom I wish to send energy, the energy will be sent automatically.

This thin large plate uses a thin plate of 0.2 mm, so I engraved it and then laminated it before selling it, and once the plate was engraved, it was not possible to make additional engravings when the number of family members increased.

Recently, we learned that the amount of energy relayed on various objects could be increased by introducing laser engraving technology, and we wanted to use it for this large plate as well. Similar thick plates can be sold at lower prices than large plates.

Laser engraving of the SAS triple mark is the same as the HG pin type, so we have a proven track record with many people reporting their experiences. The entire surface of one side is engraved with the SAS triple mark, and the other side is a handwritten address space. Compared to the large A4 size plate, the B5 size plate has limited space for the address, and the laser engraving of the pyramid mark can only be done on one side, where the address can be written(Large A4 size plates can be used on both sides).

First of all, if you don’t have the budget for a large plate, but would like to send strong energy to your ancestors, we recommend this large plate B5 type.

We are also accepting laser engravings of the pyramid mark on large plates for the spring equinox. Laser engraving has been shown to increase the energy that enters you (1) above, increasing the effectiveness of remote Shinkiko, so if you haven’t done so yet, please give it a try.

Live a richer life with an honest mind

The ward office has a children’s playground, so my wife often takes our son there. Today, my family and I ate lunch at the ward office cafeteria. I brought my son some udon noodle  so I let him eat it, and we had soba and a set meal.

When I put the food I ordered in the tray and bring it to the table where the two of us were sitting, my son exclaimed with joy. Are you tired of eating udon noodle? You don’t have to express much joy over something like this…but to put it bluntly, you can express a lot of emotions. I’m a little embarrassed because people around me are watching me. It seems like you don’t feed him delicious food on a daily basis…

By the way, as you become an adult, it becomes difficult to be as honest as you were when you were a child. In our daily lives, we are exposed to the opinions of others, the experiences of failure in our relationships with others, the influence of negative energy, and many other factors that make it difficult for us to maintain an honest heart.

Our predecessor often said, “Honestness leads to innocence,” and he had the innocence of a child. When I look at children, I see that they don’t have complex thoughts or emotions like adults, but are completely honest with themselves and absorbed in what’s in front of them.

Having such an honest mind will also reduce the influence of evil energy, which has a seemingly negative effect on our mind and body. When we can move our bodies honestly with our hearts, our Ki naturally increases. Furthermore, it becomes easier to receive support from the positive energy that protects us like a guardian spirit.

Maintaining an honest mind is never easy, but it is important to practice it in your daily life, even if it’s just a little at a time.  For example, 1. “Listening to others without preconceptions” → We tend to make judgments based on our own thoughts and experiences. Furthermore, 2. “Frankly admit your mistakes” → We tend to think that we are right, and it is difficult to admit it. Also, 3. “Express your feelings of gratitude in words” → Even if you understand this, it is difficult for those close to you.

It’s good to start with these little things. It’s a challenge for me too.  An innocent and honest mind brings us many good things. It will enrich not only your physical and mental health, but also your relationships, work, and life itself. Please try practicing an honest heart in your life.

Let’s say more positive words

Recently, my son has been saying “ah” when he sees a train or an ambulance, “uh, uh” when he points to something he wants to grab, and “ooh” and “ah” when he sees something that looks delicious. The other day, I happened to look up and saw that he had taken out all the tissue paper from the box, scattered it all over the place, and was saying “aaaaaaaa” (the ending of the sentence drops). I guess he remembers me saying that when he’s doing something wrong. However, “aaaaaa” is a negative word. I always explain that the words that come out of your mouth have energy, and that negative words attract negative energy, so this is a great reflection on me.

I think everyone has experienced this: “I’m tired,” “I can’t do it anymore,” “I can’t keep up,” and so on and so forth. When I’m tired or something unpleasant happens, negative words tend to come out of my mouth.

Negative words that attract negative energy are like a curse, corroding our minds and bodies and robbing us of our ability to take action. On the other hand, positive words that attract positive energy give us courage and hope, as if by magic, and increase our ability to take action. Since you are already under the influence of negative energy, you may end up saying negative words and attracting even more negative energy.

In order to cut off negative words, it is important to first become aware of your own words. Sometimes people around me will tell me indirectly, like me. And even just realizing, “Oh, I said something negative again,” can drastically change your mindset. This is the same as dieting, and it starts with understanding your current situation.

Once you are aware of your words, the next step is to practice converting them into positive words.

For example, “I’m tired” → “Good job”, “I can’t do it anymore” → “I’m starting now”, etc. can be changed with a little effort. You may feel some resistance at first, but if you keep doing it consciously, positive words will naturally come out of your mouth.

Some people may think, “That’s just escaping reality.” Indeed, it is dangerous to avoid seeing the bad parts of reality. From a Ki perspective, it means facing reality and thinking about how to move forward from there in order to keep negative Ki away. It is important to use negative words as a springboard to find ways to improve and increase your ability to take action.

Words have a huge impact on our thoughts, feelings, and actions. “Say more positive words” and receive the support of positive energy to brighten your future!

Negative energy that makes you just spend your time in a daze

In our homes these days, we can’t easily put things anywhere. Now that my son can reach the top of the table, he picks it up and uses it as a plaything. He is particularly interested in smartphones because he knows that we use them on a daily basis. So if he wants to get his hands on one, he’ll have to keep messing around with it and end up in trouble. The other day, my smartphones got locked, and before I knew it, it stopped working.

It’s hard because he seems to have a never-ending interest in smartphones, and even when he receives a call during the day, he’s always yelling at me to let him touch it.

By the way, there seems to be a term in the world called smartphone addiction, and the number of people who can’t let go of their smartphones and keep staring at them seems to be increasing. According to one survey, 21.8% of people use it for an average of 4 hours or more a day, and almost half of them use it at night. It seems like it’s because it’s time to relax, but you need to be careful as people who are feeling stressed tend to binge on it.

The autonomic nervous system has two parts: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, which can be compared to the accelerator and brake of a car. When you exercise or get excited, the sympathetic nervous system increases, while when you are relaxed, the parasympathetic nervous system increases. My nerves are starting to get high. It is said that when this cycle is disrupted, it can lead to a number of problems, such as not being able to sleep at night, feeling groggy during the day, and feeling that your mind and body are not feeling well.

When a person is stressed, first the sympathetic nervous system increases, the parasympathetic nervous system decreases, and then both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems decrease. To put it simply, this means that you are lethargic and unresponsive, your body doesn’t switch on, and you just spend your time in a daze. In other words, this behavior is similar to simply continuing to take in the information that is given to us, just as we continue to browse the Internet.

I believe that this state of lethargy and unresponsiveness is a state in which one’s own will is weakened and one is strongly influenced by negative energy. Especially if what you are looking at on the internet is dark news, articles, or information that is full of negative energy, your energy will move from high to low, which means that your energy will drop more and more. It will be.

Therefore, if you notice that you are spending your time not only on your smartphone but also in your daily life, take it as a sign of stress, change your mind as soon as possible, and take in Shinkiko with the intention of taking a proper rest. I think so.

We held Shinkiko retreat seminar in Ise

Until yesterday, I was holding a Shinkiko retreat seminar in a wonderful environment adjacent to the Ise Jingu(shurine) forest. Thank you very much for your participation. There were many people who had been practicing Shinkiko for a long time, so I received a lot of “Ki” and it was a very good experience for me.

I always say that “Ki is an energy that cannot be captured by science.” Our mind and body are closely related to this “Ki”, and it has a great influence on our thoughts, emotions, and actions. For example, when you are happy, your mind and body feel lighter, and when you are sad, you feel heavier. This is because your state of mind changes the state of your “Ki,” which in turn affects your body.

Our will, thoughts, and heart also emit Ki, and when we are able to act according to our own will, the “Ki” in our bodies, which can also be called our souls, increases, but when we are forced to do so involuntarily, “Ki” increases. The spirit will drop.

Therefore, an individual’s free will is very important, and if that person’s will is not respected due to some kind of external pressure such as authority, the light of the soul will become small, and if the body is lost, it will be in a dark state, that is, a negative state. It makes me angry.

If we look back at history, people have long struggled for freedom. People’s freedoms have been taken away through war, political oppression, religious coercion, and even in their immediate relationships. As a result, there are many souls that have become negative energy.

However, people never gave up and little by little, they gained their freedom. Through this, painful and sad souls receive light and work to support us.

Shinkiko light is an energy that brightens the souls of such people and supports them to live a free life. There are no special teachings or rituals in Shinkiko. The important thing is to connect with the energy of the universe and let your own inner light shine.

There was a time when our predecessor(my father) considered turning Shinkiko into a religion, but in the end, we decided to make it a corporation based on the idea of ​​valuing freedom. This is based on the philosophy that Shinkiko is not something that can be forced on anyone, but rather is something that each individual can freely accept.

All life on Earth is directed by someone who can be called the God of the creation of the universe, based on free will, in a direction that will lead to harmony with the universe. Shinkiko light is the energy that supports this.

Japan needs to change even more, and when I look at the world, I feel like we have entered a very important era. I think it was very meaningful that we were able to hold Shinkiko retreat seminar in Ise at the beginning of 2025.

Proverbs and Ki (80)  The road ahead is uncertain (Issun saki wa Yami)

The news reports that it has been 30 years since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. That unprecedented disaster presented us with the threat of nature and the uncertainty of not knowing what will happen at any time. The same goes for the Great East Japan Earthquake and the recent Noto Peninsula earthquake.

No one can predict the future, as the saying goes, “The road ahead is uncertain (The future is a mystery).” That is why it is important to prepare for disasters on a daily basis. In addition to preparing emergency food, water, flashlights, and other items that will be useful in an emergency, it is important to check evacuation routes and discuss how to contact your family.

And in addition to such preparation, we must also remember something even more important: mental preparation. No matter how high the probability of encountering a disaster such as an earthquake is, it will never be higher than the probability that “people will die someday.” This is because once a person is born, there is a 100% probability that death will occur. Your own death or the death of those around you. No one knows when or in what form it will arrive. That’s why it’s important to cherish the moment and avoid any regrets.

However, thinking too far ahead can lead to anxiety and negative feelings. If you prepare too much, you may actually attract negative energy and make the situation worse.

The important thing is a sense of balance. It is important to prepare well and spend each day with a bright and positive mindset.

So, what exactly should you pay attention to? Let’s summarize what we teach in our retreat seminar and this newsletter based on the perspective of Ki.

First, live your life with gratitude for the things you take for granted, such as being healthy and connecting with family and friends. Also, having goals for the future gives you a will to live and allows you to face difficult situations.

Furthermore, if you actively communicate with the people around you on a daily basis, share your worries, and receive advice, you will deepen your awareness, and by doing things you like, such as hobbies, you will relieve stress and feel better and will be balanced.

These things will keep negative energy away and make it easier to receive support from positive energy, creating peace of mind.

Because we don’t know when something will happen, it is important for us to live in the moment and be mentally prepared. The light (energy) of Shinkiko will also support you. Let’s cultivate the strength of our hearts so that we can face any difficult situation.

May it be a year full of light

Happy New Year! I look forward to having a good relationship with you this year too. How did you all spend your New Year holidays?

I had a well-rested day off while feeling the support of positive Ki, including the energy of Shinkiko.

However, my son broke into my room early in the new year and damaged my hot air heater and computer parts, resulting in an unexpected expense. There’s no point in getting angry about this, so I just tell myself, “I’ve been using it for over ten years, so it was time to get a new one, and I’m glad it wasn’t an expensive computer that broke.”

By the way, I started work on January 4, at KÌPLACE, Ikebukuro,Tokyo and I suddenly had a private session there. On this day, a person who happened to be here also ordered some kaiun (Good luck)coffee (coffee that I brewed with pure gold powder floating on it to add energy to it), so I felt like I had worked a lot in a short amount of time.  When I asked about it later, I heard that I had served 8 cups, which seemed to bring better luck, so I felt very grateful.

The next day, January 5, was a group meeting with the members of Shinkiko Master Training, which is held at the beginning of every month. This is a time where I will hear from all the participants about what they found good about the past month or last year, what they have been concerned about lately, including the year-end and New Year holidays, and if I have any advice I can give them, I will tell them. Even bad things often don’t turn out to be so bad if you dig a little deeper and think about them. What’s more, even if things aren’t going the way you want them to, there are times when you can be guided in the right direction by the support of positive energy or some great power.

Therefore, it is important not to focus on the negative side, depending on the immediate good or bad. I believe that if you do your best to do what you can now, you will find a way out in a positive direction. I feel like I have been forced to study this in various situations ever since I attended in Shinkiko Retreat seminar for the first time.

The energy of Shinkiko light from the universe permeates the body of the person who receives it and supports that person to shine even more.

Furthermore, the light naturally reaches the people around you, your loved ones, and your souls, making them happy. There are still many souls in the darkness waiting for light. This year, I’m planning to have more days to meet everyone in various places.

In order to make 2025 a wonderful year for everyone, we will be broadcasting a video from Okayama for tomorrow’s Shinkiko lesson on Saturday to send you energy. Please join us.

Thank you very much for this year!

It may be said that the light and shadow are like arrows, but it’s early and there are only a few days left this year.

Thank you very much for reading Shinkiko News despite your busy schedule over the past year. So, what kind of year has this year been for you? Was it a year of big changes?  Or was it a calm year?

Looking back, SAS Tokyo moved at the end of last year, and KÌPLACE opened in February. Although it was a busy time, I had been researching the effects of laser engraving since the beginning of the year. It has been found that by engraving the Pyramid Mark or the SAS triple mark, the amount of Ki relaying can be dramatically improved, so using this technology, many people can engrave the Pyramid Mark on Ki goods such as high-grade equipment and plates. It was laser engraved. In addition, new Ki goods such as the HG light mini and HG pin type have been created using this technology.

I feel that by making good use of these Ki goods, I was able to help change myself and the people around me in a positive direction. It was a year in which I felt great gratitude for the mysterious relationship between the “light” of lasers and the invisible “light2 of Shinkiko.

Now that you can receive strong positive Ki support, you can create even bigger changes by proactively changing your awareness and actions.

In the online mini retreat seminar held earlier this month, we incorporated a lot of work for this purpose. We received many happy comments from those who participated, with comments such as “It gave me an opportunity to take concrete action.”

Next year as well, we will continue to provide various types of Ki support so that everyone can have a healthier and happier year. We are also planning more powerful Ki goods and new seminars.  Please look forward to it.  The next distribution of this news will be on January 10.

[Public live announcement]

In addition, the YouTube live “The world of Ki that we experienced” that I do with Mr. and Mrs. Oharada every Thursday from 19:30pm to 20:30pm will start on January 9th of the new year. This time, I will be participating in the live broadcast from KÌPLACE in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, as a [public live]. KÌPLACE will be open from 18:30 on January 9th, so if you have questions about Ki, would like to hear something like this, or are interested in Ki, please come to KÌPLACE. Please come visit us.

I sincerely hope that the coming year will be a wonderful year for all of you.

A mind that doesn’t seek

At the recent Shinkiko member’s seminar, I received letters from our members about “Looking for the Good”. I read a letter saying, “I’m decluttering. I want to get rid of all unnecessary items and feel refreshed.” Everyone, it’s the year-end cleaning season, but are you making good progress?  Speaking of our house, we are in a state where we can’t even do regular cleaning, let alone deep cleaning.

This morning, my son was scattering lots of disposable diapers everywhere. The toys in the big box are scattered all over the floor in no time. He likes ringing the bell on the Buddhist altar, and he has taken it somewhere and can’t find it anymore. I try to clean up my house, which is in a state of disrepair, to make it as clean as possible, but eventually I find myself wanting to say, “Oh, hey, do something!”

What I am reminded of is the Cleansing Gyho Pledge in text book given in the Shinkiko Retreat seminar: “By the grace of Nature, from now on I will perform “Cleaning discipline”. Through this “Cleaning discipline” I pledge to cleanse my Mind-Hear and Life-style.  A cleansed mind is a mind without desire.  A cleansed mind is a mind of giving yourself to others.  A cleansed mind is a mind of infinite gratitude for all things. I will improve my mind and life. A pure mind is a mind that does not ask for anything. It is a mind that gives of itself to others. It is a mind that is grateful for everything.

The key point of this is that it vows to purify one’s heart and life, especially the one that purifies one’s heart, saying, “A pure mind is a mind that does not seek.”  The secret is that through cleaning, we cultivate a spirit that doesn’t demand anything from others. In other words, cleaning is a time to face yourself, and while tidying up your room, you look inside your heart and make it a habit.

When cleaning, we tend to ask people around us, “Please don’t make a mess,” or “I need more help,” or “Why should I do it?”  Moreover, there are many other things that we wish for on a daily basis, such as, “I want this to happen,” “It would be nice if it happened that way,” and “This happened because of that.”

From the perspective of Ki, it can be thought that various things appear before our eyes as phenomena due to the positive and negative Ki of ourselves and those around us. When negative energy is at work, complaints and dissatisfaction increase, and especially when you say it out loud, it increases even more.  On the other hand, when positive energy is encouraged, things naturally move in a positive direction. If you think about it that way, it is important to increase your own Ki and make it easier for your positive Ki to work. If you can decrease your desires for others and increase your gratitude, you will have peace of mind and be happier. (I’m also studying hard)

Next Sunday, we will be broadcasting Shinkiko members seminar from Tokyo. If you have something good or have any questions, please feel free to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you.