Increase your spirituality through our retreat seminar

The other day, I had a question, “What does it mean to increase your spirituality?”  I explained that “Human beings are made up of three interconnected elements: Ki, mind and body.”  If I explain from this point on, the spiritual spirit is the part that is also called the soul, and it would be best to think of it as the part of the spirit and mind.

By pursuing your Ki energy can be increased by your own inner growth and deep self-understanding.

This goes beyond material wealth and external success to peace of mind, inner fulfillment, and a deep understanding of the universe and life.

We can take in Ki energy from the outside with light of Shinkiko, but if our mind is negative, the effect will be halved.

Furthermore, if you are alive, your body is also involved, and if you are doing bad things to your body, you will not have the time to look inward and your Ki will not increase. 

Therefore, in order for us as living beings to increase our spirituality, it is important to increase it from three aspects: physical, mental, and replenishing energy from the outside.

Everyone seems to notice that they have changed after the retreat seminar, but I also say, “The retreat seminar is a special environment, so the real work begins after you go home. “This is because, in addition to the Ki of your family, including pets, or the Ki of the house itself, there are many Ki relationships that affect you in your living environment, such as Ki from outside such as friends and work relations. 

By the way, let’s briefly summarize the important points from the content of the retreat seminar from the perspective of increasing spirituality.

The first step is to use the “Senshin”(Mind Purification) index to understand your own emotional, thought, and behavioral patterns and recognize how they impact your life and others.  This reduces the influence of negative energy.

Second, spend more time receiving Shinkiko and quiet time to calm your mind and listen to your inner voice.

Thirdly, by looking for the good points and being grateful for the small things in each day, the support of positive energy brings peace and contentment to the mind, leading to a higher state of consciousness.

Fourth, by sending Ki to others, including our ancestors, we can transcend our self-centered thinking and gain a broader perspective and deeper understanding of humanity.

Finally, at the end of the day, reflect on your actions and thoughts that day, make a promise for tomorrow, and think about your personal growth.

Developing spirituality is not something that can be achieved overnight.  At the beginning of next month, we will be holding an online mini retreat seminar.  By participating not only from the center, but also from your home, you will be able to improve the Ki environment around you, so please join us.

If you are not happy, the people around you will not be happy

Even though my new family member, my son, is slowing down my pace, I am discovering new things every day.   Last night, my wife said, “He is full of breast milk and formula, so it’s okay.  I’m going to go shopping for a bit” and she went out.

However, as soon as the door was closed, my son started crying, and I tried playing all kinds of music and spinning him around using toys, but he didn’t stop crying.

After a while, I got tired.  “Here’s the only music that can overcome the cries!”  One of the albums I used to listened to a lot was “ Hell Freezes Over” by the rock band “Eagles.”  It was annoying to those around me, but I turned it on a little louder and listened.  My son immediately stopped crying, and I thought he was surprised, but by the middle of the second song, he started falling asleep.  After that, I continued to cuddle and enjoy music.

I wonder if he could feel my feeling that “if he cries, he will get into trouble.”  I always say to our members, but I was tired from the day and had no time to spare, and this incident seemed to show through.  This kind of things can be felt in everyday life.  I interact with people are working here and there, and I can feel the positive energy from people who is working comfortably, which makes me, the customer, happy and satisfied as well.

In Japan, where many things are replaced by robots and machines, it is unavoidable in Japan, where there is a lack of manpower.  These days, even when you go to a restaurant, robots are serving the food, so friendly communications my be decreasing.

By the way, are you doing something to entertain yourself?  In addition to eating healthy and getting enough exercise, you also need to make time for things like listening to your favorite music or entertaining yourself with your hobbies on a regular basis.  It is good for you to have time with your friends and family, you may feel happiness through this.  In our monthly retreat seminar, we have very important program called “Iitoko-sagashi”(finding good positive things) every day.  To find good positive things and you try to find small happiness in each day, you will have more things to be grateful for, which will lead you to fun. And then you will be supported by many positive energies.

Cherish Yourself and Raise your Ki

 I returned home after the Shinkiko Retreat Seminar in Kyoto on Monday and managed to take some time to relax.

This time, in a place where many people are religious, I think a lot of light reached those who have sacrificed themselves and worked hard for the sake of those around them.

As the saying goes, “If you are not happy, those around you will not be happy either.” From the perspective of Ki, it is very important to ” put yourself first,” because your Ki extends to those around you.

 Sometimes, other people or the environment can lower your Ki, and when this happens, you often blame others, but in reality, you are the only one who can change yourself for the better, and even if bad things happen because of others, in the end, no one can do anything about it unless you do something about it yourself. 

 Whining and complaining will only strengthen the influence of negative Ki and make things worse, so it is important to know how to take care of yourself and raise your own Ki, and this will also benefit the people around you.

This week, let me raise some important points about this, taking a hint from my training life.

 First, as a matter of course, eating a healthy diet, exercising properly, and getting enough sleep will keep your mind and body in balance.

Even things that seem good are meaningless if they overwork the body.

In our seminars, we also include yoga to learn this.

 Second, it is also important to accept your feelings.

During the “looking for the good” session at the seminar, there were a variety of presentations.

Not only joy and happiness, but also anxiety, worry, sadness, anger, and all other emotions are part of ourselves, so being able to talk about them leads to forgiveness of ourselves, and light reaches the negative Ki and stabilizes our minds.

In addition to the presentations, communication with other students also becomes a great source of strength.

I believe that talking with friends and family and meeting new people is a great way to enhance one’s Ki.

 Finally, it is important to spend time doing things that you enjoy, like hobbies, etc.

By enjoying yourself and allowing positive Ki to flow through you, you will be more likely to receive positive Ki support.

 We are running a head enhancement campaign until the 22nd of this month, and by strengthening the energy from the main body of the Hi-Genki, you can raise your Ki without spending so much time on Shinkiko.

By doing something you enjoy besides work and other things you have to do, you can recharge your Ki. 

This is the best way to change yourself and improve your life, because you can effectively use your time to raise Ki, focusing on yourself without blaming others.

When Equinox Comes, Think of Dumplings

 The other day at the supermarket, I was wondering “There are so many Ohagi (rice dumplings) lined up, shall I buy one? ” when I remembered that it is the equinoctial week of the year.

There is a saying, “When the equinox comes, think of dumplings,” but I had completely forgotten about the autumnal equinox and had been focusing only on sweet things.

 The equinox is an event that is held because it is believed that the world in which our ancestors live and the world in which we live come closer together.

Since we are aware of our ancestors and they are aware of us, from the Ki perspective, I explain it as a “shortening of the distance between here and there,” or in other words, “Ki becomes easier to reach.”

This means that (1) Ki from here will be easier to reach there and (2) Ki from there will be easier to reach here.

Let me explain the key points of these two.

 The point of (1) is that we can send positive Ki from our hearts by being grateful to our ancestors who built the foundation of our lives.

At this time, when we remember our ancestors with our family, it strengthens our family connection and sense of unity. At the same time, by sending Ki to our ancestors, we can develop a spirit of caring and supporting as a family that shares common roots.

Of course, it is good to clean and take care of the family graves with family members, and make offerings of favorite foods to the ancestors, but even if you cannot do so, you can still send Ki energy by being aware of your ancestors while receiving Shinkiko.

Furthermore, if you can send remote Shinkiko using Hi-genki or Shinkiko Frames while looking at your own family registration, you will be more grateful for your ancestors and it will be easier for Ki energy to reach.

 Regarding (2), what does it mean by receiving Ki from the other side as well? First, if one of our ancestors has low Ki energy and has negative feelings, such as pain and suffering, it will reach us, and we may feel the same way, or our physical condition may become poor.

Secondly, ancestors who already have a lot of Ki energy and have become positive Ki may try to help their family members and descendants in any way they can so that they can shine brighter.

 Those of you who have been practicing Shinkiko on a regular basis may be able to catch Ki from the other side more easily.

During this time of the year, the more we shine, the more light will be sent to our ancestors, so if you have something in mind, I hope you will receive Shinkiko more thoroughly, and if you come up with an idea, I hope you will put it into action.

Raise your Self-Esteem with Shinkiko

   When we are influenced by negative Ki, we tend to think that we are not good enough.

We only see the greatness and happiness of the people around us.

It’s only the negative Ki which is making you feel that way, but you cannot accept yourself positively.

Negative Ki influences us because they want us to experience the same feeling of unhappiness that they felt.

Nowadays, because of the increasing amount of negative Ki, there seems to be a decline in self-esteem among both young and mature generations.

   If your self-esteem is temporarily lowered due to something that is not going well, you should refresh your mind, take action again even if it is small, and praise yourself when you have achieved your goal.

By saying encouraging words to yourself, such as “It’s okay,” “Good job” etc., you will attract positive Ki. 

Trying new things without fear of failure will help you rediscover your abilities and potential.

   If you think that your low self-esteem is because of your character, maybe you have accumulated layers of negative Ki due to negative experiences from the past.

Also, Japanese have a culture of modesty, so even when they receive compliments, they often tend to demean themselves and their families, saying, “No, I’m not good enough yet”.

Especially people who come from prestigious families may have been influenced by the strong negative Ki of their ancestors.

In such cases, by receiving Ki through Hi-Genki, negative Ki will gradually turn into positive Ki, so please use Shinkiko.

 Along with that, you should be grateful for what you have and what you have experienced in your life.

By remembering your past successes and accomplishments rather than your past failures and mistakes, you can realize your abilities and value again, and keep negative Ki away, receiving support from positive Ki.

Also, through SNS, we often see the success and happiness of others, but if we compare ourselves too much with others, we will attract negative Ki.

Even those who seem happy have their own problems, and everyone has their own challenges.

Try to move forward at your own pace and towards your own goals.

 No matter how thick the layer of negative Ki may be, you should use Hi-Genki daily or receive intensive Shinkiko by attending the Shinkiko Retreatment Seminar.

It is important to have a mind that will not be defeated by negative Ki.

How to Deal with “Laziness”

 There are many situations and circumstances in our daily lives where we feel lazy and cannot be bothered to do something.

For example, when I am feeling a little tired and I am told to “Take out the trash,” I sometimes feel “Do I have to go now? I can’t be bothered” and want to put it off.

I believe that you, too, sometimes feel lazy when you are faced with things that need to be done, such as housework, exercise, study, work, etc.

As I explained in this newsletter last week, when one can make up one’s mind and take action, Ki energy (soul light) will increase.

Therefore, when we are under the influence of negative Ki, our determination becomes weak, or becomes bothersome, and it is at such times that we should take action.

In other words, the key to personal growth and quality of life is to be able to overcome the feeling of “laziness” and take action.

Today, I would like to introduce a method for dealing with laziness.

I found on the Internet that there is a five-second rule by Mel Robbins, which is to count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 when you feel laziness, and the moment you reach 0, immediately start taking action.

He says that if more than 5 seconds passes, you start looking for reasons why you can’t do it, and although I haven’t tried it yet, it is said to be effective in preventing hesitation and prolongation.

In my case, I use the method of starting in small steps, for example if I am feeling lazy about cleaning my room, I start by just tidying up my desk first.

Also, when I have to write a manuscript and I feel “laziness”, I set a reward for myself by saying, “When I finish this, I’ll have a coffee break with something sweet!” 

(Be careful not to eat too much. LOL).

 When you feel lazy and bothersome, you are influenced by negative Ki, so it is good to receive Ki by playing Onki, or if you feel tired of working at home, you can change the environment in which you work, by working in a café. Changing the environment and having a new mindset is a good way to change your Ki.

The above is my case, but I hope you will find what works best for you.

Lastly, as I said there is an influence of negative Ki behind the feeling of laziness.

Receiving Shinkiko can turn negative Ki into positive Ki, so please make sure to take Ki into your body at such times.

 Until the end of this month, we are holding a head enhancement campaign, which can dramatically increase the amount of Shinkiko energy you take into your body.

When you feel the effects of negative Ki, or when you are not getting better or have a prolonged positive reaction, it is important to increase Ki, so I highly recommend it.

Decisions and Actions Raise Our Ki

   In our daily lives, we need to make many decisions.

However, when we are influenced by negative Ki, we often feel lost, unable to make up our minds and take action as we wish.

Conversely, when a person can make a decision and take an action wanting to improve things, the negative Ki will be removed, and as a result, the person’s Ki will be raised.

 Negative Ki can affect anyone, so in this article, I will explain how to act with less hesitation and more determination so as not to be defeated by it.

   As well as negative Ki, there is positive Ki that is working to guide and support everyone.

That is why we have desires and ideas on how to improve ourselves and brighten our souls.

 At that time, if you can clarify your own values and goals, and visualize yourself at the goal, there will be no room for negative Ki, and you will be able to make decisions more easily.

   Also, decision-making involves risks, but by accepting these risks, new possibilities will open up.

Instead of thinking about the reasons why you can’t do something, try to look at it from a positive perspective, thinking, “How fun and exciting it would be if I could do it.”

For example, taking a new challenge involves anxiety and uncertainty, which can be stressful, but by accepting this, we can gain new skills and experiences that are irreplaceable.

 Sometimes making big decisions can be extremely stressful.

However, by starting with small decisions and actions, the influence of negative Ki will be gradually removed, and eventually you will be able to strengthen your ability to make decisions and take actions.

By starting with small things, you can speed up the cycle of “I’m glad I did it! “

 Finally, there are people who keep on regretting when they take action but the result ends in failure.

If you don’t take action, you will have no regrets, but you will also have no growth.

The only way to move forward in a better direction is to challenge without fear of failure.

Failure is a part of growth, and it is a valuable experience which we can learn from and apply the next time.

   By receiving Shinkiko, negative Ki will change into positive Ki, so the flow from decision to action will be smoother, and the support of Shinkiko energy will be stronger as you become aware of it. 

When you are faced with a major decision, I recommend that you attend a Shinkiko Retreatment Seminar to recharge yourself with powerful Shinkiko energy.

To Ease the “Worrying Mind”

   In my Shinkiko Retreatment Seminar, when I ask the participants which of the “minds that easily attract negative Ki” in the “Indicators for Senshin” they often encounter in their daily lives, many of them say “worry”. 

They probably worry constantly about the future, other people’s opinions, and their own choices.

This “worrying” attracts negative Ki and often brings more stress and anxiety into our daily lives, so we need to be careful.

Today, I will explain how to overcome this problem.

   1] Most of the time we worry about future events or past decisions.

However, we cannot predict the future and we cannot change the past.

That is why it is important to focus on the present moment, “now.”

For example, while listening to Onki, place the head and take a deep breath, and focus on your body while receiving Ki.

By doing this, at least during this time, the influence of negative Ki will surely disappear, and if you continue to do so, you will gradually see improvement.

   2] It is a good idea to write down the worries that are going around and around in your mind on a piece of paper.

By visualizing the problem in detail, you can objectively see if it is really worth worrying about.

It also helps you to think of solutions.

Furthermore, it makes you more aware of negative Ki and makes it easier for Ki to reach you.

   3] Think of specific solutions or measures to your concerns and take action, even if it is small.

This will keep negative Ki away and make it easier to receive support from positive Ki.

It is important to remember the importance of moving forward one step at a time, rather than trying to solve everything at once.

   4] By consciously “looking for the good” and finding things to be thankful for in our daily lives, we can increase our positive feelings and decrease our negative Ki, thus reducing our worries.

It is good to make a habit of listing the good things you appreciated that day when you wake up in the morning or before going to bed.

   5] If worrying is inevitably affecting your daily life, it is also important to take the Shinkiko Retreatment Seminar to bring in powerful positive Ki.

It is also recommended because the conversations you have with other participants can also help you to resolve your worrying.

   Finally, worrying is often the result of the accumulation of many negative Ki, and it does not change overnight.

However, with small daily efforts and changes in awareness, you can gradually turn negative Ki into positive Ki and ease these feelings.

Remember the importance of moving forward at your own pace, without blaming yourself.

Improving Relationships with People Who “Look Down on You”

 Today, the Shinkiko Retreatment Seminar in Hokkaido started.

Various people participate in the Shinkiko Retreatment Seminar to use the energy of Shinkiko to enhance their Ki and to change their lives.

The reasons for participating vary from physical illnesses, mental problems, and improving relationships.

Today, I would like to focus on human relationships and explain about relationships with “people who look down on you” which is a commonly asked question.

   Since I am also in a position where I tend to “look down”, I need to be careful. People often say that they are offended by the words and attitudes of such people.

This too can be improved by applying the Ki perspective and using Shinkiko to improve the relationship.

 1【Understanding your own feelings】No matter how much blame is placed on the other person, from the Ki perspective, it is important to first take a closer look at your own side.

You must deeply explore your own feelings about why you feel uncomfortable with the person’s words and actions.

It may be due to your pride or past experiences.

By understanding your own feelings, you can respond calmly and also realize that the feelings may be the result of negative Ki that you are attracting, so be aware of that while receiving Shinkiko.

   2【Know the background of the other person】By knowing the reasons why the person has such an attitude, such as past experiences and upbringing, you can understand without becoming emotional.

Furthermore, since you can become aware of the negative Ki that is involved, it will be easier for the Shinkiko energy to reach the person, and the person will be able to change.

   3【Learn to communicate】If you feel uncomfortable, it is important to tell the other person at the right time.

Aggressive words attract negative Ki, so it is important to be as honest as possible about your feelings and thoughts, and through this, your own learning will deepen.

   4【Searching for good points】There are always good points and strengths in a person. By finding and appreciating them, in other words, “looking for the good in them,” you can improve your relationship through the support of positive Ki.

   5【Maintaining Distance】If the relationship does not improve no matter how hard you try, it may be necessary to maintain the necessary distance in order to maintain your own peace of mind.

It also takes time for the energy of Shinkiko to penetrate the negative Ki involved, so keep your distance from those with whom you have an unbreakable connection, and receive and send Ki slowly and patiently.

Even if you find it difficult to relate to people who “look down on you”,  this will change in time.

The important thing is to value yourself and respect the other person, which is the first step in true communication. This can be enhanced by using Shinkiko, and therefore is recommended.

Let’s Raise Our Ki Level and Send Light to Those Around Us

   The other day, I had someone who wanted to send remote Shinkiko during the Shinkiko lesson on the 13th, as it is the “Obon” season.

This month, many people want to send Shinkiko to their ancestors who have passed away because it is the time of the Obon Festival, Hiroshima and Nagasaki Memorial Day, and the anniversary of the end of World War II.

   We call it remote Shinkiko because we send Shinkiko energy to people who are far away. We can send Shinkiko energy not only to people who are actually alive, but also to those who have already passed away.

 By the way, I explain that every person has Ki energy in their body.

There is no one without Ki.

If you are alive, you have Ki like an invisible light in your body, and it may vary in intensity, but it is light, so Ki is radiated around you, just as light from a miniature light bulb spreads in the dark.

 I also believe that the direction and strength of Ki can be controlled by consciousness.

For example, if we focus our thoughts on someone, the more strongly we focus, the more Ki will be sent toward that person.

   Therefore, the feeling of compassion and care we have for others, along with the positive Ki that is working to support them, causes the Ki light in our body to flow in that direction.

Conversely, resentment, envy, etc., reaches the targeted person through the dark Ki, with negative Ki that gathers from the surroundings.

   When doing remote Shinkiko, you take the Shinkiko energy from space with Ki goods or High-Genki, and imagine the person you wish to send it to,  and it will reach them. It is very important to first focus on the light coming into you, and then to be aware of the other person (it is especially good if you can understand the person’s feelings).

 For this reason, in the Shinkiko Retreatment Course, we have time to learn about the relationship between mind and Ki before practicing this remote Shinkiko.

Furthermore, in the Shinkiko Master Training, which is a 6-month 12-step course, we go one step further to make it more effective, and we ask people to fill in information about their ancestors and other people around them who have struggled or had similar experiences to themselves, what they know and what they can remember, so that we can feel the feelings of the person to whom we want to send Ki as much as possible. We try to get a sense of the feeling of the person to whom we want to send Ki.

   The energy of Shinkiko enhances your own Ki, and when you are good, others become good, and when others are good, it comes back to you, and it is the universe’s way of guiding you so that everything shines brightly.