How to Deal with “Laziness”

 There are many situations and circumstances in our daily lives where we feel lazy and cannot be bothered to do something.

For example, when I am feeling a little tired and I am told to “Take out the trash,” I sometimes feel “Do I have to go now? I can’t be bothered” and want to put it off.

I believe that you, too, sometimes feel lazy when you are faced with things that need to be done, such as housework, exercise, study, work, etc.

As I explained in this newsletter last week, when one can make up one’s mind and take action, Ki energy (soul light) will increase.

Therefore, when we are under the influence of negative Ki, our determination becomes weak, or becomes bothersome, and it is at such times that we should take action.

In other words, the key to personal growth and quality of life is to be able to overcome the feeling of “laziness” and take action.

Today, I would like to introduce a method for dealing with laziness.

I found on the Internet that there is a five-second rule by Mel Robbins, which is to count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 when you feel laziness, and the moment you reach 0, immediately start taking action.

He says that if more than 5 seconds passes, you start looking for reasons why you can’t do it, and although I haven’t tried it yet, it is said to be effective in preventing hesitation and prolongation.

In my case, I use the method of starting in small steps, for example if I am feeling lazy about cleaning my room, I start by just tidying up my desk first.

Also, when I have to write a manuscript and I feel “laziness”, I set a reward for myself by saying, “When I finish this, I’ll have a coffee break with something sweet!” 

(Be careful not to eat too much. LOL).

 When you feel lazy and bothersome, you are influenced by negative Ki, so it is good to receive Ki by playing Onki, or if you feel tired of working at home, you can change the environment in which you work, by working in a café. Changing the environment and having a new mindset is a good way to change your Ki.

The above is my case, but I hope you will find what works best for you.

Lastly, as I said there is an influence of negative Ki behind the feeling of laziness.

Receiving Shinkiko can turn negative Ki into positive Ki, so please make sure to take Ki into your body at such times.

 Until the end of this month, we are holding a head enhancement campaign, which can dramatically increase the amount of Shinkiko energy you take into your body.

When you feel the effects of negative Ki, or when you are not getting better or have a prolonged positive reaction, it is important to increase Ki, so I highly recommend it.