Recently, my son has been saying “ah” when he sees a train or an ambulance, “uh, uh” when he points to something he wants to grab, and “ooh” and “ah” when he sees something that looks delicious. The other day, I happened to look up and saw that he had taken out all the tissue paper from the box, scattered it all over the place, and was saying “aaaaaaaa” (the ending of the sentence drops). I guess he remembers me saying that when he’s doing something wrong. However, “aaaaaa” is a negative word. I always explain that the words that come out of your mouth have energy, and that negative words attract negative energy, so this is a great reflection on me.
I think everyone has experienced this: “I’m tired,” “I can’t do it anymore,” “I can’t keep up,” and so on and so forth. When I’m tired or something unpleasant happens, negative words tend to come out of my mouth.
Negative words that attract negative energy are like a curse, corroding our minds and bodies and robbing us of our ability to take action. On the other hand, positive words that attract positive energy give us courage and hope, as if by magic, and increase our ability to take action. Since you are already under the influence of negative energy, you may end up saying negative words and attracting even more negative energy.
In order to cut off negative words, it is important to first become aware of your own words. Sometimes people around me will tell me indirectly, like me. And even just realizing, “Oh, I said something negative again,” can drastically change your mindset. This is the same as dieting, and it starts with understanding your current situation.
Once you are aware of your words, the next step is to practice converting them into positive words.
For example, “I’m tired” → “Good job”, “I can’t do it anymore” → “I’m starting now”, etc. can be changed with a little effort. You may feel some resistance at first, but if you keep doing it consciously, positive words will naturally come out of your mouth.
Some people may think, “That’s just escaping reality.” Indeed, it is dangerous to avoid seeing the bad parts of reality. From a Ki perspective, it means facing reality and thinking about how to move forward from there in order to keep negative Ki away. It is important to use negative words as a springboard to find ways to improve and increase your ability to take action.
Words have a huge impact on our thoughts, feelings, and actions. “Say more positive words” and receive the support of positive energy to brighten your future!