We sell HG pin type

Shinkiko Retreat seminar was held in Kyoto last weekend, and since it is an ancient capital, it seemed that not only the participants, but also the many souls connected to the area received the Shinkiko energy.

By the way, I have been preparing new Ki goods for this seminar. This is the HG pin type that I mentioned in this month’s issue of Hi Genki Magazine and in the Shinkiko lesson the other day.

This is a stainless steel pipe with a length of 5 cm and a diameter of 1 cm, which is one size larger than the HG Light Mini, with a pyramid mark laser engraved around it, an engraved sheet inside the pipe, and a large safety pin attached. The safety pin passes through the pipe, so it is larger than 5cm, but it can be easily attached to blankets, bedding, towels, clothing, etc.

Inside is a sheet of 20 micron thick stainless steel foil with the SAS triple mark and pyramid mark laser engraved on it. As I wrote in the article two weeks ago, I have been researching various types of laser engraving, and this time I did not use traditional etching, but instead engraved the SAS triple mark and pyramid mark on a smaller scale.  As a result, even small items can be engraved with a large number of marks, increasing the amount of Ki relay. The number of marks inside this HG pin type is equivalent to 2 sheets of stainless steel foil for 3 HG cards, or 6 HG cards.

The background to the development of these Ki goods was that we had previously sold Shinkiko Plate Mats with plates attached to the four corners of the mats, but we received an inquiry asking if it was possible to laser engrave these plates. This is because flatness is required when engraving with a laser, which makes engraving difficult, so currently we do not provide engraving services.

However, if you place something that relays Ki in the four corners of the mat, you will be surrounded by Ki, which should increase the effect of Ki. Therefore, as an alternative to Ki plate mats, by attaching four of these pin types to the four corners of your bedding, such as a blanket or bed sheet, you can turn it into a “device” that allows you to receive the energy of Shinkiko while you sleep. I thought it could be done. You can also attach one to your clothing, or add two or three to areas where you want to collect energy. Another feature is that it has a serial number, making it easier for buyers to know about it.

We had already prepared and used it at various centers, but since there were people who wanted to buy it, we decided to sell it in a hurry. We also offer a set of 4 pieces, so please use them to reinforce your Ki Plate Mat.

Pledge to center in KOKORO (Mind-Heart)

My son is almost one year old, but he has too much energy, so I struggle every day with him. One day at mealtime, my son wanted to eat by himself, so I gave him a little bit of food, but he kept knocking over his plate and scattering the food all over the table, so I had to help clean it up. There were times when I couldn’t get around to it, and I ended up running out of words. Suddenly, my son stopped eating and froze, staring into space. My wife pointed out to me from beside me, “It’s because you look scary,” and I asked, “Is that what you look like?”  This gave me the opportunity to objectively reexamine my state of mind.

“The face you see on the other side of the mirror is smiling because you are smiling.” This is what I learned at the Shinkiko Retreat seminar I took in 1992. In other words, the state of your mind is directly transmitted to those around you and creates the situation around you, and depending on the Ki you emit, the Ki around you moves, so because you are happy, positive Ki gathers and that this makes the people around you more happy.

Also, because you can put out positive energy, positive energy will gather from those around you, which will act as support. I realized this once again through an incident with my son. It seems like my son let me know that I was getting irritated without even realizing it. In other words, I was able to find something to reflect on from my surroundings.

Well, the 2-night, 3-day Shinkiko Retreat seminar in Kyoto starts today, and it seems that there are many people taking the course for the first time or after a long time. For the participants, the textbook of the retreat seminar will be useful in various situations in their daily lives, so I tell them that they should review it after the seminar. This textbook contains various pledges, but this incident with my son reminded me of the “Pledge to center in Kokoro (mind-heart).”  This pledge concludes with the words, “…we will study and do all things with a view to refining and enhancing our minds.”

I would like to live up to this pledge and refine my mind every day, but the reality is that it is not that easy.  In particular, my heart is shaken every day by the fact that I have a growing child who I can’t do anything about. However, that is why I am able to refine and improve my mind through this valuable experience. I also feel that it is thanks to the energy of Shinkiko that I am able to notice and accept the negative and positive emotions deep within my heart through my family.

I’m doing a lot of research

Time passes quickly, and it’s that time of year again where we’ll be announcing the year-end online mini-retreat seminar and gathering of Shinkiko members. The energy of Shinkiko is becoming stronger little by little by holding Shinkiko retreat seminar every month. This does not mean that the universe, the sender, is sending us strong waves, but rather that we, the receivers, are receiving a larger amount of energy, and these two events at the end of the year will further accelerate this.

Shinkiko is not just energy floating in this space. It is sent from the universe with some kind of will, so the more consciously you are to receive it, the more your vibrations will align with the sender, and the more Ki energy you will receive. This is written in the treatment philosophy left by our predecessors(my father), and it means that the awareness of us, the recipients, is very important.

This year, we discovered that the method of engraving the pyramid mark with a laser dramatically increases the amount of Ki relayed. This has been possible because you have diligently practiced Shinkiko on a daily basis and have recharged your Ki, making you ready to receive stronger Shinkiko energy.

For this reason, we have decided to include all the pyramid mark laser engraving services that we have provided so far in the Shinkiko members’ thank you sale items this year. We have also added the HG Light Mini, which has just been released, so if you are interested, please take this opportunity to purchase it.

As mentioned above, since the beginning of the year, we have been laser-engraving the pyramid mark on various objects for everyone to experience. Starting from last month’s Shinkiko retreat seminar, we changed the SAS triple pendant that we give out in training to a laser-engraved type, and many people are now using it. Because of this, my current research topic (laugh) is laser engraving of the SAS triple mark instead of the conventional pyramid mark, and how much it can be reduced (including the pyramid mark) to be laser engraved. This is because the more you can reduce the size and engrave, the more marks you can make and the amount of energy relayed.

However, if you make it too small, you won’t be able to engrave a proper shape. I’m just trying to find the right spot, and for some reason this is fun for me. I would like to talk a little bit during the Shinkiko lesson from Sapporo on October 14th.

Increase the energy (Ki)of places with Shinkiko

On yesterday’s YouTube live, I was introduced to some texts that came out when Mr. Oharada moved his house. The texts said that the child was sensitive to negative energy in the house and was scared, but after receiving advice and playing the purchased Onki Ki healing music for about 3 hours, the inside of the house completely changed and became better. It was a thank you texts. The story of how the body and mind can change for the better with Shinkiko is easy to understand even for first-timers, but the fact that you can change the Ki in a place is a noteworthy feature.

People, animals, and food all have energy, but so do places. There are many places that have low energy and feel dark, and places that have high energy and feel bright. Perhaps people in the past were sensitive to the Ki of the place and built shrines in places with good Ki.

In Shinkiko, the Ki relay device called High Genki and Ki goods continuously relay the energy of Shinkiko from the universe 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so it gradually sends Ki to the person and those around them.  In other words, without going to a power spot such as a shrine, Hi Genki (Ki relay device) can change the Ki of the person or place. When I think about the Ki around me, there has been too much negative Ki compared to the past, so my predecessor(father) had a dream and started Shinkiko, and everyone started paying attention to themselves and their surroundings. I feel that what is required now is to try to improve it.

Therefore, think about the Ki in the places you are in contact with, or have come into contact with, and place Ki goods or use remote Shinkiko where you feel negative Ki so that the energy of Shinkiko can reach them. It would be a good idea to take measures such as:

First of all, is there an unpleasant, dark, damp place where you live? Is it at your workplace, on your way to work or school, at a store, or somewhere you often go? It would be a good idea to place Ki goods or take them with you wherever you absolutely have to be or go.

It is also important to go back and think about the past. For example, the place you went to or the place you were attending right before something bad happened in your life. For example, you may go on a trip to a certain place, injure your leg, and then feel unwell. By remembering a place, you become conscious of the negative energy associated with it, and by receiving Shinkiko, it becomes easier for the light to reach that location, making it easier to change for the better.

In addition, Shinkiko retreat seminar are held all over the country. Since this is a retreat seminar that gathers a powerful energy, it will be easier to turn negative energy related to the area or place into light, so we recommend that you attend a retreat seminar that has a connection to you.