HG light mini for sale

Starting tomorrow, we will be holding a 2-night, 3-day Shinkiko Retreat seminar in Oita(Kyushu). This is the first time you’ve held this event, so what kind of connection do you have with it? I’m really looking forward to it. Ki experience sessions have been held in Oita for a long time. Shinkiko creates a virtuous cycle in which negative energy turns into positive energy, which in turn provides support, which is why a lot of positive energy has led to the training being held here.

The origins of Shinkiko began when the previous generation was taught in a dream by an old man with a white beard how to make things remember the energy of Shinkiko. The best feature is that if you use it, you can receive Ki continuously for 24 hours. Among the methods of memorizing Ki, such as using special marks, letters, and special materials, the most fundamental ones are the use of the SAS triple mark and 2-dimentional pyramid mark. In particular, starting this year, we discovered that laser engraving on 2-dimentional pyramids makes it easier to absorb Shinkiko energy, so we have been applying this to various Ki relay devices and Ki goods.

This time, we will be releasing a new Ki goods “HG Light Mini” using this on September 20th. This is a round stainless steel pipe with a length of 5 cm and a diameter of 6 mm, exactly one-fifth of the size of the light head, and two etched sheets with 1000 SAS triple marks engraved on them and pyramid marks engraved with a laser. It is enclosed and both ends are sealed with stainless steel caps. It has a slightly longer shape than the PBA top that we have been selling for some time, and functionally it resembles an HG card folded in half and rolled up.

This HG Light Mini has a serial number engraved on it, just like the HG card, so you can register who the Ki will be sent to. The difference from the PBA top is that the pyramid mark is laser engraved, making it easier for the true energy to reach the Ki (soul) in our bodies and the negative Ki that exists around us.

This HG Light Mini has the same Ki relay amount as the HG Card, but is more compact, so you can keep it in the corner of your bag, and you can use the HG Card to store things like graves or other places you’re interested in. We recommend a place where you can’t put it. In the past, SAS(we) used to sell crystals on the grounds of your home or land you own, but it would be effective to replace them with crystals.

In addition, this HG light mini can be used to gradually increase the amount of energy relayed by two or three units, or by placing it in the four corners of land, it can work to guide light 24 hours a day even in places where there is a lot of negative energy. It will help you. The price of the HG Light Mini is 38,500 yen, the same as the HG Card. I hope that many people will use it.

Let’s deepen our bond of spirit and be happy.

A real estate company conducted a survey of 516 people in their 20s and 30s on the ideal lifestyle of the new generation. As a result, when asked what would make them happiest if they could achieve it, the third place was “Enriching my hobbies (12.4%),” the second place was “What my children could do (13.4%).” I was interested because the number one answer was “increase in assets (30.6%).”  If you have no money at all, you will have trouble living, but if you have some money, you will not be unhappy, and even if your income doubles or triples, your happiness will increase proportionately. Because it doesn’t become.

As I was searching the internet with this in mind, I came across a headline that read, “Why are some people unhappy even if they have money? Harvard University’s 1985 research has revealed the absolute conditions for human happiness.”  It stopped. The article introduced Professor Robert Waldinger’s book “The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness.” The conclusion of the article was “The people who lead the happiest lives, “People who are healthy and lead healthy lives are people who have excellent relationships and relationships with others.”

What I can say from the point of view of Ki is that since the time of our distant ancestors, there has been a negative Ki that has held a grudge against or been jealous of that family lineage, and because they are unhappy, it has affected not only the ancestors of that family but also their descendants. The “best effort” to make people unhappy was to make their relationships with others worse. In other words, when relationships are bad, a negative mind collects even more negative energy, which leads to a drop in energy, which can be called life energy, causing damage not only to the mind but also to the body. Therefore, in order to be happy, you need to improve your relationships with others, but by receiving the energy of true energy, your own Ki will increase, and as it will spread to those around you, you will gradually be able to eliminate the interference caused by negative Ki. There are times when something disappears.

Furthermore, for people around you who you care about, such as people you see or don’t see regularly, people who give you energy, or people who give you energy, you don’t just give them High Genki or remote Shinkiko. It’s a good idea to start small. For example, if you are able to communicate with friends and family who are important to you on a regular basis, such as by sending a message or making a quick phone call with good energy in mind, it will be easier for positive energy to reach you and strengthen your bonds. It will deepen and lead to even more happiness.