Story of fatigue

At our house, my son’s crawling ability has improved greatly and he has a wider range of movement, so he has become more tired due to lack of physical strength. When I do that, I sometimes feel like complaining to my wife, saying, “I can’t keep up.” When my body gets tired, I don’t have the mental leeway either, so lately I’ve been thinking about further increasing my strength.

Well, there was a survey result called “Fatigue Survey (2023)”. The survey was conducted for men and women aged 20 to 69 nationwide. Just as the summer heat continues, a large typhoon is moving across the Japanese archipelago, and many people are probably feeling tired from various things.

Looking at the content, 74.9% of people answered that they were “tired” in terms of their level of fatigue (very tired to somewhat tired, total). Especially for people in their 30s and 40s, it exceeds 80%. Next, when asked what type of fatigue they feel, “tired from work” was the most common answer at 46.5%, followed by “housework.” In addition to physical fatigue of “eyes, brain, and muscles,” mental fatigue from “people, smartphones, and SNS” is also at the top of the list.

“Situations that make you feel tired” are also included in the question, “When you have a sudden request when you can go home from work,” “When you come home and there is still housework to do,” and “When the train on the way home is crowded.” Continuing on, there are also “when things are scattered all over the room,” “when you see someone making a noise in a public place,” and “when you see someone complaining to a store clerk.” I think these are clear examples of how when your Ki energy is low, you become even more tired due to the influence of negative Ki from those around you. Negative energy can make you more tired than necessary, so I think it’s important to receive Shinkiko on a daily basis and increase your energy.

The survey also asked, what do you like to do when you’re tired? When asked about this, 47.8% answered “get enough sleep.” “What I think I should reduce or stop doing to avoid getting too tired is not working too hard at work/overtime, socializing, housework, etc., and I want to review my daily habits such as staying up late and looking at my smartphone.” There seemed to be a lot of opinions like this.

For example, you may not be able to sleep even if you are tired, so fatigue can include both physical fatigue and mental fatigue. The methods of dealing with each are different, but the method of receiving the Ki energy of Shinkiko is likely to have an effect on both. Also, even if you try to stop staying up late or using your smartphone, you may not be able to do so due to the interference of negative energy, so next to energy, it is important to think carefully about countermeasures and implement them properly.