Information and Ki

Late chairman used to say,”Be careful of the news on TV or
newspapers as they are often related to bad energies.”

This is because by watching it, people with low Ki energy levels
get affected by the negative Ki which caused the incident or
In the Shinkiko training course, I say that complaining and
criticizing create negative energy and it attracts more by
What I can say from this is that every word we say or write has
Ki, so all the information in this world is related to Ki.

The problem these days is that there is so much information
As we learn from mistakes, it’s important to take the negative
information as an opportunity to improve yourself or make the
world better, but not everyone can do that.

If the information has a strong negative Ki and you get affected,
you will gradually lose light, so it’s better not to relate with it out of curiosity or unwillingly, especially when you have low Ki
energy level.

Also, when you have negative feelings, you tend to be drawn to
this kind of information.
In other words, when you are affected by the negative energy,
they want to gather more so they attract negative information .
So it’s important to think carefully and check what is making a
connection to negative energy.

Moreover, these days anyone can spread information on social

If you accidentaly send negative information, it spreads quickly
and will come back to you and affect you badly so you need to be

In our monthly Hi Genki magazine and this news article, we post everyone’s voices.

People who use Shinkiko experience something good, and give
hope to people who are suffering from similar things.
This is because the light reaches negative energy and it becomes
a light which will support you back.

There are days when you experience bad things.One way to maintain your energy level is to access goodinformation, something that gives you hope.
To prevent from connecting with negative energy, please don’t
forget to charge yourself with Shinkiko in your everyday life.

A sequel to “How to Improve Your Luck”

A sequel to “How to Improve Your Luck”
I received a question from a participant during the Shinkiko lesson which
was held last Sunday, ”What are the features of a person who has good
luck and a person who has bad luck, and what should we bear in mind?”
It’s a good topic for the new year, so I talked about ”What should people
with bad luck do?” on that day and also on the IkiIki Radio.If you are
interested, please refer to them. Today I’d like to add a little more to this
No one wants to lower their luck so we all want to improve it, but many
people don’t seem to care that much thinking “It’s not that bad… I
shouldn’t ask for too much”.
When you start Shinkiko, the lighter negative energy changes to positive
energy, so bad things gradually reduce.
Here, I’d like to explain how to use Shinkiko energy one step further.
As is often the case, there are times when you don’t realize(or made not
to realize) when the negative energy is affecting you.
You may think that it wouldn’t be a problem if you don’t focus on it, or
give up because it won’t change anything. There are times when we only
try to see the bright side even though you feel that something is not right.
It’s good to focus on the positive side, but periodically or when you can
receive strong Ki, it’s good to focus on the negative energy that might
be affecting you.
It’s like a medical checkup routine, taking time to look back at yourself.
The negative energy hiding deeply can bring more and more without you
realizing it and create a big problem.
By doing Shinkiko, you can learn from the bad things so it’s good, but it’s
better to reduce your burden by changing the negative to positive, and
changing your behavior before the problem gets bigger.
The deeper the negative energy is, the better it is in hiding, so by
focusing on it, the light will reach there.
So while taking in strong Shinkiko, focus on the area where the negative
Ki might be affecting, like picking up a small rubbish while lighting up

with a spotlight. I recommend this to those who have been using
Shinkiko for a long time.

Let’s utilize the support from positive Ki.

This year, it will be my 30th year in SAS, which was formerly my father’s company.

I used to work in an electric company’s laboratory as an engineer, so I don’t have any special power like my father, but the reason I managed to come this far is because I understood the nature of positive and negative Ki, and managed to act on them so that I could resolve problems at an early stage before it became a disaster. 

Now I feel that it’s my role to share this with everyone as much as possible.

It would be great if nothing bad happened around us, but throughout our long life there will always be something that troubles our mind. Just like pus coming out from the wound to heal, or bacterias which seem bad but actually boosts our immunity, or workouts which are tough but builds our muscle and flexibility, the negative things caused by negative Ki may seem bad at first but turn out to make our spirit stronger and shinier.

Relatively weak negative Ki can change to positive Ki quite easily, but strong negative Ki doesn’t go away unless there’s enough light.

In that case, it’s necessary to receive a stronger Shinkiko energy or have a strong will to overcome the negative energy while it is taking time to diminish.

Stronger Shinkiko can be taken in by using a larger Ki transferring machine, attending a training course, coming to the center, or focusing on the negative Ki while receiving Ki. If you are not sure about this, please ask any of our staff.

Today I will talk about how to get support from the positive Ki, which wants us to realize and act so that we can shift to a better way. 

The points are 1. Is there anything you can do in action now? If there is, do it even if it’s just a little. 2.Do you have any ideas to make it better? If you do, make a plan and carry it out.

The negative Ki which wants to hinder our success, makes us think negatively and stops us from moving forward. It’s important to understand that negative Ki affects our minds, and think carefully which way leads to light, instead of deciding things with our emotions or feelings.

By trusting the support from positive Ki and acting accordingly, it will make it easier for you to see “good things” and create a good flow of positive Ki. 

Happy New Year everyone. 

Wishing you all the best in this new year.

How was your New Year’s holiday?

I managed to charge plenty of Shinkiko energy and was able to get enough rest.

By the way, at the end of last year, I had an opportunity to speak to Mr.Hirosawa, an Aikido master, for the opening interview of the monthly Hi-Genki magazine.

I had met him more than 16 years ago, but I heard that he had reached a new stage at the age of 85, so I visited his workshop.

Mr.Hirosawa was a private pupil of the founder Mr.Ueshiba, and says that lately he can understand what the founder was saying in his later years.

I was very impressed by his attitude of making a continuous effort to master Aikido, no matter the age.

By the way, I experienced his skills firsthand, and strangely enough, when I tried to pull him by the hand, I lost my strength.

In other words, even if I try to fight, I will lose my spirit. I could experience the invisible power of Ki

During the workshop, other participants tried to fight the master but they all ended up collapsing onto the floor with no strength, so I couldn’t help but laugh.

If we could use this power of Ki amongst countries, war between Russia and Ukraine will cease and huge military expenditures will no longer be necessary.

According to the master, Aikido is becoming one with the universe. 

Shinkiko is also an energy from the universe. It raises our Ki energy and helps us to become a better person, according to the intention of the universe.

The key point of Shinkiko is that you can receive Ki 24 hours a day 365 days a year, thanks to the Ki transferring machine Hi Genki and other Ki products.

The Ki inside our body absorbs like light from higher (brighter) to lower (darker) places, influenced by people around us, our ancestors and our surroundings.

Shinkiko allows us to charge Ki energy endlessly, and as we charge Ki, it spreads out and leads us to a better way.

It’s very convenient because as long as you have the product, it continues.

There is no other like this, so I would like to continue sending information this year to let more people know about it.