What is Shinkiko?What is Shinkiko?
Information about history of Shinkiko and the power of Shinkiko

Shinkiko energy from View Point of Journalist

Shinkiko energy from View Point of Journalist

Shinkiko’s Folk Remedy Character

Mr.Yasuhisa Oharada : Freelance journalist


Shinkiko’s Folk Remedy Character

Shinkiko Healing shares an aspect with folk remedy in that anyone can easily perform it. One High Genki Apparatus can treat illness at home. Folk remedies can also be called home remedies. Folk remedies have to be simple to be performed at home. This is why folk remedies have been performed for many years. Folk remedies are easy to perform for preventing illness and sometimes to eliminate pain.

Many people have experienced that their malignant diseases have been improved by Shinkiko, but no one knew the reason for this. The effect of Shinkiko Healing, in which people receive Ki power with their eyes closed or people simply receive Shinkiko power from the High Genki Apparatus, could only be understood through one’s feeling. The theoretical basis of the Shinkiko power effect is that if you are relaxed, parasympathetic nerves become dominant, increasing lymph cells and strengthening the immune system.

Often people express that they overcome stress if they constantly receive Shinkiko Energy. They are able to stop worrying about mistakes made at work. Married couples who quarrel can soon get along again. Shinkiko Energy minimizes tension without one’s noticing. This is an important matter for not weakening the immune system.

Folk remedies provide relaxation which cannot be obtained from medications. If you have one relaxation method which you can perform daily, it will be very effective for disease prevention. This relaxation method should be something simple so that you do not abandon it easily.

For receiving Shinkiko Healing, no special study or training is necessary. It is as easy as drinking a healthful tea every day.

(Abstract from High Genki Magazine, Feb. 2004 issue)


Mr.Yasuhisa Oharada : Freelance journalist
Freelance journalist. Born in Mie Prefecture in 1956. An encounter with Masato Nakagawa (previous chairman) in 1988 became a major turning point in his life. Since then Mr. Oharada has researched and written articles on healing and alternative therapies. He proposed a lifestyle based on Shinkiko in his articles such as “Dolphin School.